RGI and Terre des Hommes together for Lebanon: learning must go on!
Milan, 21 December 2020
2020 has been very difficult for everybody in the world, but especially for those who have less and were already facing other emergencies, besides the COVID-19 pandemic. We at RGI Group, a European leader and digital enabler of Insurers, have been feeling luckier and safer than people struggling to face poverty and humanitarian needs.
It’s the case for Lebanon, a Country not so far from our lives, which has been suffering multiple shocks in the last years: the conflict in Syria, which forced 1.5 million refugees to flee there, a severe financial crisis, exacerbated by the Beirut Port explosions back in August, which destroyed the capital and damaged 202 schools and 48 universities, disrupting their already extremely fragile education system.
Our Group strongly believes that education is the most powerful source of change and recovery, besides being a moment for social interaction, a basic need that is essential to learning and development.
So we decided to stand with Terre Des Hommes, which we know really well as we keep supporting their activities from 6 years now, to help them in preventing this crisis to undermine the future of the most vulnerable, both in terms of access to education and protection from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect.
This year for Lebanon we would like to do something more: we ask your help too, to support Terre des Hommes in non-formal education and retention services for 3925 vulnerable children aged 3-17 years, to whom they will offer non-formal education and distance learning.
Please show once again your big heart and passion, by donating over the Rete del Dono platform. Let’s do together our part in ensuring Lebanese children a future in education, the only real unlocker for recovery and development!